1. Name

2. Age
Still 18 

3. 3 Fears
(Already answered)

4. 3 Things I Love
My cat and my parents, I guess?

5. 4 Turn Ons
6. 4 Turn Offs

7. My Best Friend
I have two active friends, currently. I see them about once a month or less, but I like them equally. I have sort of a scattering of people I haven't talked to in years that I would still call "friends" if I met up with them.

8. Sexual Orientation
Aromantic Asexual (AroAce)

9. My Best First Date
Haven't had one

10. How Tall Am I

11. What Do I Miss
A lot of things, I think. Mostly just the feelings and nostalgia rather than the actual events. I think I probably romanticize the past because I've gotten far enough away from it to not remember it clearly. I wish I felt more present in the past and could still recall it with accuracy

12.  What Time Were Was I Born
~7:55, I think?

13. Favorite Color
Still cyan

14. Do I Have A Crush
(See question 8)

15. Favorite Quote
I don't have a favorite, per say, but I have a few I like.
    “The present tense of regret is indecision.”
― Welcome to Night Vale
    “You may not live through it. And if you do, the you that lived through it will not be the same you that lived before it. In that sense, you will definitely not exist after, and I'm sorry.”
― Welcome to Night Vale
    "TV taught me how to feel, now real life has no appeal"
― Marina - Oh No!
    "Didn't we have some fun, though? Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I said "Goodbye", and you were like, [deep voice] "No way!" And then I was all, "We pretended we were going to murder you."? That was great."
― GLaDOS - Portal 

16. Favorite Place
No idea

17. Favorite Food
I like anything simple to make. Turkey sandwiches, Chicken Tikka Masala, Mac and Cheese, Cake. There's more, but I don't want to waste more page space or your time.

18. Do I Use Sarcasm
Me? Use sarcasm? Never. /s

19. What Am I Listening to Right Now
Lion - Hearts & Colors  (Spotify recommended it to me and I assume I'll be listening to it on repeat for a day until I've sucked all the joy out of it and never want to listen to it again, lol)

20. First Thing I Notice In a New Person
I am so unobservant of my physical reality. So, nothing. The content of the words you're speaking, maybe? I tend to notice cool outfits or unique hair from afar, I guess. 

21. Shoe Size
(Already answered)

22. Eye Color
I know I'm going to sound pretentious and this is always the answer people with light-colored eyes always say, but : I used to think it was blue, but other people have guessed they're green, and when I look closely I guess they're sorta grey. Like soapy dishwater. (When I was first getting my ID, the person behind the desk asked me what color my eyes were - because I was wearing sunglasses - and I just said blue and hoped that was right. I guess they assume most people will remember what eye color they've had their whole lives.. good job, me.)

23. Hair Color

24. Favorite Style of Clothing
Comfortable and in solid colors. The usual outfit is some sort of variation of jeans and a T-shirt. Maybe add in a hood, sweater, or jacket for a little of that extra flair.

25. Ever Done a Prank Call?
I'm sure I did with my friends when I was younger, but nothing noteworthy enough to remember.

26.  (The original post just skipped this one?)

27. Meaning Behind My URL
The original post comes from Tumblr, but as for the username meaning of "MundaneMeow": I like cats and I am frequently bored and caught up in the "mundane". Also I picked it because of the all-present all-consuming allure of a lot of alliteration.

28. Favorite Movie
(Already answered)

29. Favorite Song
(Already answered)

30. Favorite Band
No idea. I don't really like bands as a whole, I just want to listen to the music I like at random.

31. How I Feel Right Now
Anxious and sick. I only have to leave my house for, like, an hour to take my cat for a check-up at the vet, and yet I'm dreading having any obligations at all. I signed up for a class online in a month from now, and I'm already regretting it and not wanting to put in the effort to be a present person or interact with other people. Why must I be like this? 

32. Someone I Love
(Kinda already answered)

33. My Current Relationship Status
Not looking. Actively avoiding, actually.

34. My Relationship with My Parents
I like them. We're always on good terms and they try their best

35. Favorite Holiday
National Cat Day (Oct. 13). (Kinda already answered this one too)

56. Tattoos and Piercings I Have


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