"That won't annoy them"
I'll be the judge of that.

1. Which would you rather have: $1,000,000 today or 1 cent doubled every day for 30 days?
I don't want to do the math, but I assume this is like offering a toddler one 100 dollar bill vs 10 one dollar bills and laughing when they pick what they assume is more. (Already off to a bad start on the not annoying thing)

2. Would you rather be the boss or an employee?
Depends on the job. Having to micromanage a bunch of people sounds exhausting. At least as an employee you kind of know what to expect. Neither is very good though.

3. If you could have only one superpower, what would it be?
The ability to pick a new superpower every day.

4. Describe yourself in 5 words or less.
Wanting to do something more.

5. If you could give every person a gift in the world, what would it be?
An internal sense of compassion. Or if it has to be a physical object, a good source of shelter. I would hope that would help.

6. If you were President & had to have 3 people to assist you, who would you pick and why?
A rational scientist, a financial advisor, and a person who is frequently in contact with people from marginalized and poor communities so I could tell if my policies are actually helping, or if they're just benefitting the rich. Dunno if I was supposed to pick something funny or a celebrity or something, but that's the answer after giving it 30 seconds of thought ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

7. If you could set one rule for the family that we all had to follow, what would it be?
You're your own person. I don't want to edit free will. Go do whatever.

8. Where would you live, if you could pick anywhere in the world?
Vancouver, BC. It's beautiful up there and I like the rain and the easy access to a variety of activities and scenery. 

9. When do you feel a teen becomes an adult?
Well, technically it's 18, but you could argue that it's 20 because it doesn't end in "-teen". I would say that even people in their 20s don't really have a full feeling of adulthood and I've felt both like a child and an adult since I was 12, so I don't know how to judge that.

10. What have you learned in life that you think will be the most useful?
Literally just open-mindedness. It gets you nearly everywhere in life. It allows you to see new perspectives, to keep learning, to keep persisting even when it feels hopeless. No matter what you face, if you're willing to give it just one more day of being around for the curiosity then you'll have made it one day farther than you thought you could.

11. Describe what the perfect day would be like from the moment you wake until bed.
Too tired. I don't want to put in the effort to think.

12. If you could change anything in the world, what 3 things would it be and why?
End world hunger. End poverty. End discrimination.  Basic human rights. Who's answer isn't the same to some effect?

13. If you could eat dinner with 3 people you don't know, who would it be and where would you go?
I would assume it means people who are currently alive. I also just Googled "famous people", 'cause I couldn't think of anyone else. Maybe Dolly Parton. She seems nice. I'd ask her to pick her favorite place. The other two are Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos. I'd take them somewhere they wouldn't find the bodies. Stop them from destroying everything. ...Does that count?

14. Do you think it's better to have one skill that you're an A+ at or many skills you're a C at?
"Jack of all trades, master of none, but better than a master of one."

15. What's the best invention you've seen recently and what do you like about it?
I watched the Behind the Scenes for The Mandalorian and was intrigued by the wrap-around VR screen. Being able to add in the environment in a way that the actors can see and also having the dynamic lighting seems super neat. I always sort of secretly hope that VR technology will be able to advance enough that I could realistically live there semi-permanently. Reality is ok and all, but it has its limits and I'm bored.

16. What makes our family amazing?
Tolerance and acceptance, I think.

17. What are 3 things you're grateful for?
I don't like being "grateful". It always brings to mind something I owe someone for or that I would be devastated if it were ripped away from me.

18. What are 3 really small victories that you've had the last few days that you are proud of?
I bought a little potted plant. I pushed myself on a hike and got out of the house. I started filming what I have wanted to for a year.

19. What's a hobby that you don't currently do that you'd love to learn & what's holding you back?
Maybe play an instrument or something? My own motivation and the thought of potentially wasting money. (That and the current worldwide pandemic)

20. What do you feel are the most important things to living a great life?
Finding a variety of meaningful things to spend your time on. Personally meaningful to the individual, I mean.

21. If we lost everything we owned today but could keep 3 things, what would you pick and why?
I don't want to think right now.

22. What are 3 things you'd teach that you think would help make school more useful?
The importance of compassion, how to deal with emotions, and practical life skills (like money and what chemicals mix poorly and how to change a tire, etc.)

23. When someone is feeling stressed, what are 3 suggestions you'd share with them?
I can't remember a time when I've ever been close enough to someone recently to be able to help with that. I usually offer "Discussion or distraction?", but I have no idea how effective that is. Needs more field testing.

24. What is the hardest job in the world & why?
Essential service worker. Not given nearly enough money nor respect. Day in and day out and they may not be "special and flashy", but they are some of the only people truly holding the world together.

25. Name 3 things that make you truly happy.
Working on it. Ask me again in 5 years.

26. How would you explain the word love to someone without using the word "love"?
A deep care for one or more things, often focused around other people, animals, locations, or objects.

27. Do you believe money can or can't buy happiness?
Dunno about other people, but I buy Prozac for $8. 

28. Think of the worst thing that's happened to you ... what did you learn from it?
I can think of things that were bad, but nothing I would define as "the worst", or something I couldn't handle eventually.

29. Of all the things you're learning, what do you think will be the most useful as an adult?
Determination to keep going, just to see how this all shakes out.

30. If you could travel back in time 3 years, what advice would you give yourself?
Assuming it wouldn't cause reality to unravel or mess up the flow of time with paradoxes, I would say: to keep in touch with friends, make all the cringe-y stupid stuff you feel like without judgement, and make an effort to tell people how much you actually care about them. And take lots of pictures and videos, because I will not remember the majority of the next few years without them.

31. Which of your friends do you think I would or do like the most? Why?
I think my parents like my friends equally. And I never talk to my friends more than once a month, so it might be hard to judge.

32. If you could grow up to be famous, what would you be famous for?
Being interesting? I dunno.

33. How would you change the world if you could?
Feel like I already answered this one.

34. How can you help someone today?
Staying inside and washing my hands properly, according to the ad that Spotify plays relentlessly.

35. If you could make one rule that everyone in the world had to follow, what would it be?
Work on your issues in a healthy way. (Solves a lot of problems without messing with anyone's free will or life)

36. If you had enough money that you never had to work, what would you do with your time?
No idea. Even with what I'm doing now, I'm not still satisfied.

37. Have you passed up on any chances that you now regret? What were they?
Just keeping in touch with people and responding to comments and emails.

38. If you were told you would live forever, what would you change about your life?
Start gathering information about the present day and keep a good record of history. Start investing in start up companies and people's dreams. Study every career path and get a billion degrees. Learn every language. Play a bunch of video games without worry that I'm wasting too much time. Travel the world. Explore the ocean. Explore space. If I can regenerate or heal forever, a bunch of dangerous but important jobs so that no one else has to.  Sounds awesome.

39. What are you most afraid of?
(Already answered in a previous post)

40. What do you think is keeping you from complete happiness?
??? if I knew, I'd have fixed it by now

41. What's your greatest strength and greatest weakness?
The cursed evil amulet around my neck.   (Already answered in another post)

42. What achievement are you most proud of?
No idea 

43. What's one thing you did in the last 24 hours to make someone's life better?
Not my responsibility. Seems kinda presumptuous to assume there's anything I can do in one day to make someone's whole life better.

44. Where in the world would you most like to live?
The continental crust.              (already answered this too)

45. What's had the greatest impact on your life, good or bad, and why?
I'm the summation of all my experiences. Even the most minor of things are what define who I am today. Can't say how much I've been effected by one individual event.

46. What do you do when you can't sleep at night?
Use my phone. Or if that's out of battery, use my computer.

47. If we experience our greatest moments of growth and learning from failure, why are we so afraid to fail?
Monkey brain still sees all negativity as a survival threat. 

48. What product would you stockpile if you found out it wasn't going to be sold anymore?
Clean water and food.

49. Do you have any bad habits you wish you could break? What are they?
Not really.

50. If you had no physical, financial or other obstacles, what skill would you like to have?
Always being able to say the perfect thing in the moment. Is that a skill or a talent?



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