1. What emotion do you experience the most?
It used to be apathy, but now I think it's a sort-of chill ambivalence.

2. What embarrasses you the most in front of other people?
What doesn't? I over-analyze whether or not I breathed wrong in someone else's presence. 

3. What do you love about yourself the most?
That I'm still going.

4. Who has influenced you the most?
I can't really think of anyone.

5. What has been the best moment this year (so far)?
S' been a weird year for everyone, I think, but I liked... I started filming my series I've had in the works for a while, "Free Trial Expired". The first episode isn't even edited yet, but I've made more progress than nothing

6. What would you like to change about yourself?
I'd like to give myself a little more energy and motivation, but other than that, surprisingly nothing.

7. What motivates you to get up every morning?
Boredom and guilt.

8. If you could do anything for the rest of your life, what would that be?
I still have a hard time picking what to do for the next hour. Now is not the time.

9. If you had the option of adopting a baby fox or a baby koala, which one would you choose?
Fox. Koalas, though cute, are by most measurements, the dumbest and most evolutionarily flawed creatures on the planet. The only food they can eat is highly flammable and toxic, they can't recognize eucalyptus when it's not on a branch, and their brains are smoother than a century-old river rock.

10. If you had to be on a reality TV show, which one would you choose?
The Bachelor, just for the chaos. I would meta-game the whole thing and do as much as possible to be picked. When the cameras point to me I'll accept the rose, give a surprise speech revealing that how much I hate the show and everyone in it and how it's all stupid and vapid, then I eat the rose and hop the fence where the cameras can't follow.

11. If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be?
If I can only live there for a year, I'd pick somewhere weird that would be a funny story for later, like Sealand or Point Nemo. Maybe like Boring, Oregon or Hell, Norway. "Yeah, like that year I lived in Hell"

12. What was the most memorable toy you played with when you were little?
A plushie Siamese cat with a little plaid ribbon around her neck. Her name was "Fluffy", but I couldn't pronounce that when I was little, so she's "Fluffly" (Flufflie? Flufflee? I've never spelled it before) Her sown on mouth is kinda sliding off her face a little and her left eye is a little damaged from a few teething accidents. She's still on my bed.

13. How many bones have you broken?
0, technically. I have sprained my ankle and my tailbone quite a few times, though.

14. When you were little, what did you want to be?
A veterinarian, I think. I stopped wanting that when I learned it would involve euthanizing animals and math.

15. What do you hope to achieve by 50?
Eternal youth.

16. What do you fear about getting older?
Being in pain. I've already been in a lot of mental pain and constant physical pain seems like the last straw on the camel's back.

17. What is one thing you are deeply proud of in your life?
I'll get back to you on that.

18. Is there anything I can do that will make your heart rest easier? Your life run smoother?
It's a journey I'll have to go through on my own, I think. Thanks for caring though. :)

19. Who are your top three real life heroes?
I don't idolize real people. I admire and aim to have what they accomplish, but not who they are as people.

20. What do you want more than anything else in life?
To have a better answer to this question.

21. When was the last time you completely lost yourself in something?
I can't remember. I really do miss the days when I did though. I remember I used to get so absorbed in projects that I would forget to sleep and eat. Not the healthiest lifestyle, but those were some of the happiest moments of my life. I miss that kind of excitement and engagement with my mind and my life.

22. How do you relieve stress?
What is a "relieve"? /j

23. If you could change your first name, what would you change it to?
(Answered in 30 Questions to ask your child to get to know their heart)

24. 100 kittens or 3 baby sloths?
I definitely would like the kittens more, but in terms of responsibility, 3 sloths seem more manageable (She answers, to a completely hypothetical will-never-happen-in-reality question)

25. Are your feet the same size?
I think so???



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