1. Name Ahna 2. Age Still 18 3. 3 Fears (Already answered) 4. 3 Things I Love My cat and my parents, I guess? 5. 4 Turn Ons 6. 4 Turn Offs 7. My Best Friend I have two active friends, currently. I see them about once a month or less, but I like them equally. I have sort of a scattering of people I haven't talked to in years that I would still call "friends" if I met up with them. 8. Sexual Orientation Aromantic Asexual (AroAce) 9. My Best First Date Haven't had one 10. How Tall Am I 5'4 11. What Do I Miss A lot of things, I think. Mostly just the feelings and nostalgia rather than the actual events. I think I probably romanticize the past because I've gotten far enough away from it to not remember it clearly. I wish I felt more present in the past and could still recall it with accuracy 12. What Time Were Was I Born ~7:55, I think? 13. Favorite Color Still cyan 14. Do I Have A Crush (See question 8) 15. Favorite Quote I don't have a favorite, per say, b...